Saturday, April 16, 2011


I'm discovering an interesting thing about myself as I'm aging. I'm discovering that if I really don't like someone, I can't remember their name!

This is a little different from the general CRS syndrome that I started experiencing as I passed that magic age of 50. Fifty is the age where you really do need to start working crossword puzzles because it seems like the silliest things elude your memory. I try to work at least nine a day, one from a newspaper, one from a subscriber on line, and 7 from a crossword website.

It's also the age where you need to make sure you pee before you get in the car and go anywhere, but I digress.

A post on Dea Riley's page prompted me to realize this unique memory phenomenon. She had posted a story about a Northern Kentucky university professor who has published an article maintaining Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome baby is not her own, but her daughter's, and it reminded me of the talk show host that thought it was so funny to poke fun at Sarah's sixteen year old daughter on national TV. And see, I was so disgusted by his base stupidity that I can't, at this moment in time, remember his name.

Being a journalist I know where to look to find out, but I'm also experiencing a second, and not unpleasant sensation. I find I enjoy that I can't remember his name. I never did think he was that funny, he being one of those who think it's humorous to degrade others. Never a true comedian like the masters in the old days. I can remember Jay Leno's name just fine. And now that my fevered brain has insisted on sorting it out regardless of my preferences, I find I do remember the name of David Letterman.

So the question is, will David Letterman will now poke fun at Sarah's Down Syndrome baby on his next show? Or will he at last show a little class and leave the children out of it?