Thursday, May 1, 2008

Old Memories

There is a feller I fell in love with so many years ago, and it was all such a waste. I gave up so much for him, and I was totally helpless in my giving. He was always very cool -- he had that about him. He was immensely popular and that he gave me any kind of attention at all just floored me. I thought that much of him and that little of myself. If all of that wasn't embarrassing enough, I still think about him a lot, and dream about him a lot. And I don't know why, and I can't help it.
What hurt so much about losing him was that he had told me we were friends, and stupid me, I truly thought we were. But when he went on to higher education and his new friends, he dropped me like a hot potato. Where before he had found me ravishing and exciting and always welcomed my calls, now he began to be short and crisp on the phone, and to make snide remarks about my lifestyle, my friends, and the things I thought to be important. 
Honest to goodness, I think of him at least once a week, if not just about every day. Why, why, why, why?
Is it unresolved anger? Part of me would like to face him and say, you know, you just didn't know who I was. All the crap you thought you knew about me, the crappy way you treated me, none of that said anything about me. It said loads about you. 
The other part of me doesn't ever want to see him again. I know what his opinion would be on just about any subject, and I really don't want to hear it. His opinions are unimaginative. I ran into a mutual friend at a bookstore a long while back. You ought to get in touch with him, this mutual friend said. Best let sleeping dogs lie, I replied.
Because I was so hung up on this fellow, I let a lot of really good men pass by. There were a couple of really great guys I just couldn't muster anything for, and I think they held it against me. I really, really liked these guys. Maybe if they had ever just sat me down face to face and given me another option, it would have been different, but they both came in at awkward times, doing awkward things that scared me more than anything. I ran like a scalded dog.
You can't make someone fall in love with you, and I never asked that of him. We were great buddies for the longest while, and that was good enough for me. I never thought once about marrying this fellow. I would not have relished being his wife. Yet, I never could go the distance with any other man except for one. I married him -- he was the only one who ever made me forget the first one, but although he, once again, was a great guy, he had his issues, and I had mine, and the marriage fell apart almost instantly. My current fellow and I talk about marriage all the time, but that's all we do, is talk. Despite the fact that he is, of course, a great guy, and a true friend, I just can't do it. 
There's a part of me that wishes I would never think of him again. There's a part of me that hopes I never forget him. 
I have had hundreds of dreams about him, and never a satisfying one. He's always elusive in my dreams. There, but on the way out. I wake up happy that I got to see him, and missing him, and frustrated that he's gone yet again. There was a series of dreams that I had about him, one right after the other, so upsetting that I finally called and asked him if he was okay. He was, but his new girlfriend wasn't. After he dissed my profession (as a respiratory therapist - "Just a 2 year program? I thought you were a college girl..."), he asked if I was still singing. I told him no, just for meaness. The weird thing about it, something that was so strange, was that I did not recognize his voice at all. It was like talking to a complete stranger, except for his inherent snideness, which was all too familiar. I ended the conversation as soon as I could. I happen to be a college girl. That would be two degrees, thank you very much.
I guess I am still angry, and I guess I'm angry at the waste of it. I thought it was one of those great male/female friendships, till all of a sudden I wasn't good enough anymore. He was fun, and had a great sense of humor and a wry wit, and it felt good to be in his circle. It felt horrible to be left behind. But at the same time, his humor was becoming cruel and demeaning. I guess it was for the best.
I am more satisfied now than I have ever been. At long last I'm giving full bent to creative expression, damn the cost. It is such a relief. It's a luxury I never gave myself, dogmatic creature that I am. I quit the smoking, took back my space, decided I was worth taking care of. I fuss over my little family of my boyfriend, horses, alpacas, dogs and cat, and my friends. I don't think I lost anything by losing him. I'm not sure I gained much either. He might have actually lost out as well.
Well, this is a blog with no point. This is a blog with no lesson, and really with nothing said. Just a comment on the strange way we are, what sticks in our minds, and where our minds go wandering from time to time. I guess the lesson learned, is one an old woman once told me. Folks won't remember what you said to them, she said, but they'll always remember how you made them feel.


Anonymous said...

Some old memories are good for the soul,others,however are toxic to the psychic. I am not sure if one has the ability to chose their dreams,but it sounds as tho you are subconsciously wanting to dream about this old relationship. Why would you want to relive this painful experience over and over? I pray that you destroy this painful memory and replace it with one that makes you happy. Good Luck,but if you should continue to have the dreams,just remember consider the source.

Lyn Hacker said...

Excellent observation! My subconscious is a wild child I've never been able to control. I guess I hesitate to clip her wings, regardless that it hurts sometimes.