Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Daily Observation 8/5

Just got done listening to the local noon news. There were two stories that caught my interest today, and one I recall from yesterday.
The first one was a story having to do with how a community reached out and donated enough money and supplies so that school children, in a less affluent county than Fayette, had school supplies to work with this year. 
The second story was about one of UK's football players who has broken rules and gotten in trouble, and is now being kicked off the team.
The third story, that was aired yesterday, was about how one particular school district is thinking about going to a 4 day school week because apparently it costs them almost $1500 per school bus per day to get their kids to school.
First let me say I'm all in favor of 4 day work weeks. The energy savings would be astronomical.
But, in another vein, I have to wonder how much money was spent recruiting this particular football player, and also how many times this happens. It seems like at least every year there is a particular UK basketball or football "bad boy," who just can't seem to realize the blessing they've been given and get their shit together to do a job they've signed on to do. And I also have to wonder how many school supplies, food, diesel and other supplies the money spent on these idiots would buy. 
Perhaps the UK coaches ought to add this to the player's contracts: If you get here and screw up, you have to repay all the recruiting money we spent on you. And then donate that money to the schools.

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